Jan 13, 2012

Acting like a kid

Do you remember the days when you did things in secret? The butterflies in your stomach just thinking someone could catch you? Giggling alone and running around with a suspicious smile on your face that practically broadcasted that you had a secret?


These days I don’t often have secrets, it’s called a personal life now, private matters, things I prefer keeping to myself or whatever. It’s kind of boring actually, but I think people would laugh at me if I didn’t want to tell because it was a secret. Today I don’t feel like being a boring adult. Today I’m a kid and I have a suspicious smile on because nobody knows what I’m doing – It’s so totally a secret!

Ok, so apart from acting like a child I’ve been listening to a really great song today. I heard it on a TV-show and it’s been stuck in my head ever since. It’s got a little bit to do with remembering (does the names Danny and Sandy say anything to you?) and a lot to do with the fact that this cover has a sound that makes me think of late night clandestine meetings and butterfly secrets. Enjoy!

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