Some people start all their new endevours in January but I tend to think that the year actually starts around September. I suppose it's all my years in school. Fall equals a new and fresh start. This one isn't any different in that aspect. I have about one thousand things I want to get started with - eating breakfast, swimming, research, french, running and teaching - just to mention a few. Moste likely only one or two will stick all through the darkness and cold of the rainy november days, but that doesn't really matter, I just love this feeling of starting something new and good. The difference between this fall and many of the ones before is that I'm actually not dreading the winter as much as I usually do. Oh I still have my issues with the hollidays in December - not that I'll get into that right now, but over all I'm looking forward to the rainy days when I'll sit with a book in French not getting a word, or going to courses all over the country, or treating loads of patients sick with all kinds of cool things (I know, you need to be a doctor to get that...). I'm looking forward to going to Paris again (finally!!), then maybe a vicit from my mom or maybe I'll take a couple of days in Sweden myself, and I'm all ready planning a trip to Copenhagen for December - lot's of things to look forward to!
I can't wait until the leaves start changing, it's by far the best part of fall.

And to be allowed to cover up a bit again - knit sweaters, tights and preppy style!

Beautiful Paris in the fall - but I guess it's just as beautiful in any other season...
Tea and books - is there really anything better?
You can find the source to all the pictures above on my pintrest
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